July 01, 2021

Rep. Bowman Statement on New York City Board of Elections and New York Mayoral Primary

NEW YORK – Rep. Jamaal Bowman on Thursday issued the following statement on the New York City Board of Election’s miscount in initial returns in the Democratic mayoral primary:

“What happened this week was unacceptable. When New Yorkers rank their votes, they do so with an understanding that their votes will be counted in a timely and accurate manner,” Rep. Bowman said. “As legislators, it’s our job to create accessible voting systems that inspire confidence in the accuracy of tabulation and verifiability of results. It’s also our job to make certain that the Board of Elections has every resource they need in order to carry out that purpose.

“Our strength as a democracy relies on voter confidence. Democracy, as a governing system, is built on the foundational concept that when you cast your ballot, that ballot ensures your voice, will, and perspective will be accounted for in the direction of your city, state, or country. America’s voter confidence is already shaky, but missteps like these in our nation’s largest city shake it further.

“That being said, I know we have leaders and organizers who are working towards progress. I look forward to watching as New York City uses this setback as an opportunity to rebuild into the standard for voting systems nationwide.”
